Monday, February 25, 2013

My Old Lego Movies

(NOTE: This is made for the Youtube Videos Page)

Here are my LEGO animations, top to bottom. Enjoy!

This one is my first LEGO animation. I got the theme song from, and I made the sound effects with my mouth. The scroll is kinda long, and it needs shortening. This also was inspired by the LEGO Star Wars Moviemaking Contest. This one, and the next few ones are filmed with Sophie's camera.

This is the second movie I've made. Most of the music is recorded from The Empire Strikes Back on a speaker, and you can see my hand at times.

This is a movie I made just for fun. I'm not sure if I made it during the Easter season or not.

On this one, I downloaded most of the sound effects from This is also the first one to have my Mom's camera.

This is the first one with music from the soundtracks. This is also the first one with a logo. I'm sorry for the coughing. :(

This one is a compilation of diffrent ones. I am using this one becuse it would save a lot of space on this post. Just so you know, the logo music is stolen from a different logo.

Here is the last one. It incdes a set that I bought with my own money. It also has a set that I gave to Sophie for her birthday.

Hope you enjoyed all of these!

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