Friday, August 12, 2011

walt disney home entertainment logos

welcome to the history of walt disney entertaiment logos! the list includes:

1 - walt disney home entertainment: 360 spin "neon mickey" and classic font

2 - walt disney home video the classics: mixing around and lining up (down to up) in a dimond
3 - walt disney home video: mickey in his magician's outfit holding out his hand and magic writes the logo
4 - walt disney classics: mickey in his magician's outfit holding out his hand, magic writes the logo, a dimond appears, and magic flies around
5 - walt disney masterpiece collection: magic draws the logo and tinker bell comes to make the board appear
6 - walt disney home video: logo only

7 - walt disney home entertainment: first segment of the logo zooms out

8 - disney DVD movies magic and more: spinning around, lining up (up to down), and
ring appears (controlled by tinker bell)
9 - disney DVD pure digital magic: "DVD" appears letter by letter, "disney" appears, and ring appears (controlled by tinker bell)

i love the adventures of spot!

have you ever seen spot before? it's a sweet show with a dog who has lots of neiborhood freinds. it was made by king rollo films, broadcasted by PBS kids, and distributed by walt disney home video. here is the premere:

did you know that this show was originally in british? it was broadcasted on BBC!

notice that the american and british version are different and "old and new."