Monday, May 28, 2012

2 Posts In One! 1: An Announcement 2: Viral Videos and Kid's Reactions

Hello bloggers! I just wanna say that I will make blog posts on Mondays, starting with this post. Some posts will be about my journal, some will be about intrests of mine, some will be about movies or trailers that I made, and some will be random Youtube videos that I love, starting with this: (This announcement is outdated.)

These are 2 awesome videos about a cat playing piano.

This is how some kids reacted to the first video.

This girl LOVES CATS!!!!!!!

Do you want to hear it in a song? Well, here you go!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Something I actually put online!!!

Have you ever heard of A Year of Questions? I take the name Threesday (because Andrew was Tuesday, and one of his friends was Twosday), and this is something that I'm in and something that's online that people are saying it's funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A thing of silliness and something intresting

Hello there! this is a silly movie!!! you should watch it!

Also, here is a link to

Detective Christian Strikes Back!

This is the trailer for the new sequel to Detective Christian! come see the trailer!

Go to the label Videos, and scroll almost all the way down  if you wanna see the trailer for the original Detective Christian.

P.S.: I've got good news and bad news. Bad news: I can't put the full version of the first movie on this blog, because the hard drive that I put the movie on is fried. Good news: ...but I CAN put the sequel on here in a later post.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I'm Saving Up!

I really want this LEGO set called 9490 Droid Escape. It's really awesome! So I'm working hard, and I have $5 left to save!!!!!!!