Monday, November 26, 2012

THX and the Deep Note

If you think this blog is not so bloggy, there IS a bit of blog. In the "stuff" gadget on the sidebar, I've put a "Personal Stuff" label down below that shows all the blog on this blog. Oh where was I? the post, oh yes. Enjoy!

Do you recognize this?
If you don't, have you ever heard this sound?

Was that scary? Well a lot of people have this fear called THXphobia. This sound in the video is called the Deep Note. Read more on Wikipedia.

THX premired on Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi premire in Los Angeles. Here's what was shown.

Cool? Well THX even has a mascot. His name is Tex. He is the THX repair robot.

How about reverse?

Wasn't that just hilarius? comment your favorite part!

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