Thursday, December 6, 2012

The 12 Days of Christmas Update

Starting with December 14th, I am going to put a journaling series called The 12 Days of  Christmas on this blog. It will have names for each day, and an extra Youtube video to show what I was watching, playing, using, etc. and as a bonus, at the end of each post, I'm going to put a verse of  The 12 Days of Christmas song with new lyrics of my own on. Each verse will start with this:
On the __st/th day of Christmas
 This/These thing(s) happend to me...

And the verse goes on. The reason the journaling series starts at December 14th is because there are 12 days 'till Christmas at that day. Ha ha! Get it? The 12 Days of Christmas? Thanks for viewing this post!

Oh! and PS: If you wanna see all the blog on this blog, just look at the bottom of this post, and click the label "Personal Stuff!"

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