Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Journal Entry 02/27/13

I woke up at 6:44. I came out to see Sophie watching Shaun the Sheep on Netflix. When she was done, she started watching Arthur. Mom woke up, and Sophie finished the episode. She wanted to watch another one, but Mom said that was enough TV right now. So I decided to use the computer for journaling. Mom told me that she will go clean Grammie's house today. (We live in a duplex) She said that Grammie will pay her tonight, and tomorrow she will go shopping. (We are running out of food) I got paid last night for shoveling the big snowstorm. Sophie and I were saving up for a LEGO set, and Mom recently was loaned $8.40 (plus Dad with $2.50, making it $11.90) from our savings. I thought she could pay me back tomorrow, and we could go to WalMart for shopping, (to get the LEGO set) but we were getting our check on Friday, 2 days from now, and we are going to WalMart on that day. Mom made breakfast, which was pancakes, and I posted last post, which gave me an idea! Make another Gaming Saturday episode! Mom said she was not going to clean Grammie's house, because Grampa was home. Speaking of which, it was snowing! and I could shovel, so I went down and asked Grampa. He said it was not much now, but later, we will have 6'' of snow! Mom saw this part, and she told me that I had to go to the library before there is 6'' of snow, because there is a book I have on hold. It was raining, and we went. I got my book, as well as some Arthur books. When we got home, I knocked the Nintendo 64 USB Controller down, so I tested it to work. I unloaded the dishwasher. Then I read part of one of the books. Then I checked me and Sophie's money, and we had $2.35, and Mom will pay back $11.90 when she gets her check. I calculated this and I got $14.25, more than enough to buy the LEGO set, so I calculated our money minus $12.99, the price of the LEGO set, and I got $1.26, so Sophie could buy her own piece of candy when we (Sophie and I) can buy the set. Then I got back on the computer to journal this, and Mom read the last chapter of The 21 Balloons. I loaned the money for Andrew to go shopping. He went, and I did Khan Academy. I finished, and after a while, Andrew came home. We had dinner, which was spaghetti, and then I took a long shower. I listened to Teddy's Button audiobook with Mom and Sophie, finished this journal, listened to the Arthur Audiobook in bed, then went to sleep.

A Sneak Peek at my Youtube account

When I turn 13, I will post Youtube videos on the Internet. Here's a couple of videos that I already made.

NOTE: I do not have any relationship with Machinima, DYKGaming, or Jeff Ryan. I'm just giving them credit because they gave me the information in their videos.

What do you think? Like 'em? You will see them on Youtube when I am 13!

Monday, February 25, 2013

My Old Lego Movies

(NOTE: This is made for the Youtube Videos Page)

Here are my LEGO animations, top to bottom. Enjoy!

This one is my first LEGO animation. I got the theme song from, and I made the sound effects with my mouth. The scroll is kinda long, and it needs shortening. This also was inspired by the LEGO Star Wars Moviemaking Contest. This one, and the next few ones are filmed with Sophie's camera.

This is the second movie I've made. Most of the music is recorded from The Empire Strikes Back on a speaker, and you can see my hand at times.

This is a movie I made just for fun. I'm not sure if I made it during the Easter season or not.

On this one, I downloaded most of the sound effects from This is also the first one to have my Mom's camera.

This is the first one with music from the soundtracks. This is also the first one with a logo. I'm sorry for the coughing. :(

This one is a compilation of diffrent ones. I am using this one becuse it would save a lot of space on this post. Just so you know, the logo music is stolen from a different logo.

Here is the last one. It incdes a set that I bought with my own money. It also has a set that I gave to Sophie for her birthday.

Hope you enjoyed all of these!

Journal Entry 02/24/13

I was going to write a journal a couple days ago, but I kept PUTTING IT OFF!!!!! This time I wrote a note and I am doing the journal now.       

The alarm woke me up at 6:00. I got out of my room to see Dad watching Derren Brown: Inside Your Mind, a British show about mind tricks (sorta like "These are not the droids you are looking for." from Star Wars: A New Hope.) One part of it was where this guy was put in a fake photo booth, where he was hypnotized by flashing lights and fell asleep. The people brought the guy to Morocco, where he woke up, very confused. (Dad skipped the scary parts) Mom woke up, and I told her all about it. I asked her to use the computer, but she said no. I decided to make a list of things to do, and here it is:

  • 8:00 AM: Play Game with Mom
  • 11:30 AM: Cook Lunch
  • 11:45 AM: Play Paper Mario on Project 64
  • 3:00 PM: Practice Everyone Makes Mistakes with Andrew
  • 6:00 PM: Watch Arthur on Netflix
I found my note, saying that I had to do this journal, so I asked Mom to use the computer to do journaling, and she said yes, so I wrote. While I wrote, Dad gave me a quiz on the 5 (Dad was corrected; actually 7) continents in the world. That's when I learned that there's no land on the North Pole! I was shocked, and I said, "So Santa Claus' workshop is on a cruise ship of ice!" (LOL!) I wrote up to Here{} After that, I danced to some very cool video game music. Mom told me there was some saltine crackers, so I ate some. Then Mom and Isaiah watched the show that we watched this morning. I started lunch, which was French Fries, and watched a couple of parts with them. At the near end, Hulu said "Which ad experience would you like?" LOL! At 11:38, I played a THX logo, because there is an old movie called THX 1138! LOL again! We had lunch, and I played Paper Mario on my N64 emulator. Mom told us to get ready for Charles coming here. I had my own idea. I could make my own nostalgic playlist on Grooveshark! It didn't work (as it kept having issues with the computer) but we had fun! We played Fuzion Frenzy, we ate ice cream, we watched Red Dwarf and Comedy Bang! Bang! on Netflix, we played the Noun Game, and then Charles and the family started watching The Matrix. It was an adultish movie, so me and Sophie watched Arthur. It was time for bed, no shower, and I went to sleep.

During the night, I woke up to see my door open at 4:00 in the morning. I went back to sleep.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm Auditioning!

Have you ever heard of Princess K.I.M.? It is a book about a school girl who lies that she is royal. They have a musical, and Maryann Cocca-Leffler, the writer of the book and musical, just unvield it, and the auditions are on MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I will be 13, and I want to audition as Jason, who sings this song. (NOTE: written (and sung in this video) by Andrew, my brother)

What do you think? I might not get the part, but Andrew and I are going to practice! Here is the link to Maryann's official blog for the musical!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Journal Entry 2/4/13

Today I will try not to include Youtube videos on this post. Instead, I'm putting links.

I woke up by my 6:00 alarm. I came out to see Dad playing Minecraft and watching Red Dwarf (currently paused) on Netflix for Wii. It was pretty funny, and I was cold, so I got Dad's sweater, and I played Minecraft too. We ate some pretzels. After I got bored with Minecraft, I started going on another blog, and watched his fake Messy Mondays, and then one of his Lego animations. Mom woke up, and she didn't want the computer on with its noise (My Mom's computer's fan makes this noise that doesn't sound very good), so I watched Arthur on Netflix for Android Tablet on our Nabi. (see the Christmas post) Sophie woke up, and then I did my Morning Routine. I started this journal, and Sophie started putting the word "you" on my first sentences. ("I woke up you" "I woke up by my you" "I woke up by my 6:00 alarmyou" " ...Dad playing Minecraft you" (LOL)) I thought this was very funny, and so did Sophie. Andrew went on the computer for "one second," and then Sophie, Mom, and I had our prayer time. Andrew got off, and I wrote some more while Sophie was doing her AWANA verses. Then Mom read aloud The School Story with us, while me and Sophie drew pictures. (see pictures below (NOTE: they are scanned by me))

My Picture (Both sides)
 Sophie's Picture (she stenciled it)

I did Khan Academy for math, then I did some normal math. It took me about an hour! Then we had some hot chocolate. It was yummy. I continued watching Arthur. I stopped, but Sophie continued. After I ate chips (without asking) I went to and played Space Race, a typing fast/word roots educational online game, to get ready for the educational game, Rummy Roots. We played, and I won! I scanned the pictures that me and Sophie drew, and then Sophie played the "Spelling Game" online, while I did grammer. She finished, and after Mom got off the phone during grammer, she told Sophie that her friend was coming over every Monday for a 1/2 'n' Hr. (because her Dad was coming for bass guitar lessons from Andrew), and Sophie was glad to hear that. I finished grammer, and I read a little on Arthur Wiki. Sophie was going to watch Arthur on Netflix for Android Tablet on our Nabi, until the internet on it stopped. She guessed that it must be caused by 2 computers running the internet. She told me to X one of the Internet Explorer programs on the Kitchen Computer, so I typed this part (with Sophie constantly telling me to type faster) and shut it off. We ate dinner, which was pasta, soon after that. I read some more Arthur Wiki, and I was bored, so I asked Mom if we could play a game. Mom said "Yes" and we decided to play Boggle, so we did. Sophie's friend came over during the game of Boggle. After Boggle, me, Sophie and her friend played Chrades. The game stopped when her Dad told her it was time to go. I was carried away reading a post on Arthur Wiki. Later, I got bored, and then surfed the web. Then I finished this post, took a shower, and then went to sleep.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Fake Caption Fail!

Me and Andrew made a Caption Fail! I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for watching!