Friday, October 18, 2013

A Blog Schedule!

Starting today (although attempted earlier this week) I am going to make a blog post routine! Sounds boring, but on Tuesday, you never know what type of post you will get. I will not post on Sunday unless it's the first Sunday of the month. I will put this schedule on the sidebar. If I get bored of the schedule, I will stop it and it will be different. Here's the schedule!

  • First Sunday of the month: A journal entry
  • Monday: New things around the house (Pets, video games, etc.)
  • Tuesday: You never know!
  • Wednesday: A field trip (Bowling, the beach, taking a walk, etc.)
  • Thursday: Non-Personal Stuff (AIO, Star Wars, etc)
  • Friday: Blog/online update (This post, my own Youtube video, etc.)
  • Saturday: Weekly Wrap Up

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