Saturday, February 19, 2011

what I did yesterday 02/18/11

i got out of bed and put on my shirt. isaiah was playing a video game. "shoudn't you be doing your school?" i asked him. then i pet patches. but i realized that i caught andrew's cold. i went downstairs and sat on the pellot stove. then i decided to do my bible. i read about how samson was born. then i did my word roots. it was where you had to find the correct spelling of words. then i wonderd why mom and sophie didn't seem to be here. they actually were still asleep. then i went to them. "i didn't get enough sleep last night." said mom. so i watched muzzy (in gondoland) part 2 when mom set up my math on the computer. but i just looked at some family memories.

then i decided that i could make another AIO project.

then my mom told me to do my math, so i did. it had another lesson about division.

i finished at 12:20. then i continued looking at family memories. "oh! i have an idea!" i said. so i ran and filmed a blog video. (post coming soon!) then i continued looking at family memories. after that, i asked my mom what school i needed to do, but she said that i was done for now, and she told me to play with toys before i could play video games. after a bunch of stuff, i continued watching muzzy when my mom told me to take a break from T.V. and computer. so we played outside. we had lots of fun! so when i came inside, i played roblox. when we had dinner, i had homade limade. at bedtime, i both listened to AIO (adventures in odyssy) and played ds in bed at the same time, then i went to sleep.

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