Saturday, September 8, 2012

Journal Entry 09 07 12

I woke up. We had to get ready to go to get new shoes. Our friend came to pick us up to go to the YMCA. (first time since the end of the summer) We went swimming, then we went to outdoor gym games, like Tag, Zoolander Tag, and Alaskin Baseball. It was fun, but roasting hot. Our friend who picked us up came over. I told her about Storybook Weaver. Then I started writing a post. When she left, I started playing Brawl. When I finished, Mom started watching a movie. She told me that Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs came in the mail by Netflix. Me and Sophie watched it on Dad's Macbook. Then I took a shower. Then I stayed up a little later. Then I went to sleep.

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