Friday, October 11, 2013


Wow! A new color scheme, a new profile picture, a new blog picture, a new title, and more! Do you see how much this blog has changed? I've had the red color scheme for years, and I decided it's time to change. I removed some unnecessary things, like those pictures on the sidebar, "crazy google logos", and other things. My last change is, I will try to post every day except Sunday. If you want to see how my blog used to look, click here. Hope you like my changes!


LaurieStar said...

Hey Christian -

Your blog looks great! I love all the cat pics!
Hey - do you need help setting up the "Cass Connection"? I could help you if you do - just forward all the articles and pictures to me if you want to. XOXO Auntie Laurie

Christian said...

I forgot all about that! Thanks for the reminder!

Christian said...

I will work on an article, then I will send everything to you.