Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Journal Entry 12/11/12: Gone Shopping Again


I woke up by the alarm at 6:00. Surprisingly, Mom was awake. (I always try to wake up before everyone (with the exception of Dad sometimes) every morning) She told me that Dad woke her up accidently at 5:00. I told her that I wake up every morning before everyone else to get on the Wii and watch a movie on Netflix. (well, unless Dad is awake and watching something adulty on Netflix) She asked me if I could watch downstairs. (because she wanted quiet time) I thought of my brother Isaiah. Recently he bought a brand new Xbox from Gamestop. Since he bought it, he doesen't let me use it much, (and I'm saving up for a Gamecube copy of Sonic Heroes (we already have that for the old Xbox) for the same reason) and he only lets me if I ask him sometimes. I disagreed with Mom and she asked me what I'd watch upstairs. I decided Mythbusters. The myth to confirm on the episode I was watching was about if you could make a catapult out of a boom lift. After watching most of the episode I stopped and decided to watch Game On!, the documetary about the history of video games. I learned a lot from that, including that Sonic the Hedgehog was supposed to represent how fast the Sega Genesis runned. I decided to journal what just happened. I wrote up to Here. {}


                         So, I decided to plan for a Christmas party coming on the 16th. Mom was leaving Christmas shopping again. When she left, she turned off the computer. After she left, Sophie watched a couple episodes of the Curios George TV show on Netflix. I ate an Instant Lunch Hot and Spicy Beef Flavor. THOSE ARE AWESOME AND ADDICTING!!!! My brother Andrew turned back on the computer, allowing me to write this. After that, I decided to watch Sesame Street: Follow That Bird!. Sophie was watching Cars Toons: Mater's Tall Tales on the computer, (see trailer below)

 and I couldn't find something else to watch on Netflix on the Wii. I started The AristoCats, but stopped, and me and Sophie got into a fight for going on the computer. I decided to watch Youtube on the Wii, and this is what I watched. (see videos below)

Anyway, I helped Sophie at times, and at the end, the computer mysteriously shut off, and Dad told me and Sophie to go outside, and after 5 minutes, I came inside and watched Pocahontis II with her. After that, Sophie decided to watch a really girly movie, so I decided to go downstairs in the other side of the duplex to watch AFV on my Grandmother's (we mainly call her Grammy) TV on Dish Network. Mom came home, and I asked her to turn on the computer to journal. Mom let me, and after a little, she told me to both put away the dishes and load the dishwasher. She left AGAIN, this time to a friend's house. I did this journal and wrote up to Here. {}


                I watched a really cool video, then did Funbrain. Then I did my reading. I went to the computer and worked on my Christmas party, and she didn't come back 'till 6:00. I ate dinner, took a shower, played GBA in bed, same game as last post, then went to sleep.

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