Saturday, December 8, 2012

The History of my Blog

It all started in October 2007 (when I was just 7 years old) when my Mom started a blog. (Which is now called A Cascade of Blessings) It was inspiring. I started this blog, which was first called qwertyic. (Hence the URL of this blog) It looked very diffrent. The first thing I wrote was the original version of do you like my favorite characters. My first POST was Logitech Extreeme 3D Joystick. Over the years I have done random wierd posts like qwaz... ...wertyuiop and and unnamed one. I also did one blog that was called qwertyuiop. (which is now taken)  I renamed this blog A great kid. I did other blogs, which were movies, VRboy, and my books. One time I copy/pasted things from the website Smash Bros Dojo!. My Mom was seeing that I was doing too much of this, and she said "One more Brawl post and you will stop blogging!" Fortunatley, when I was doing another Brawl post, it wouldn't let me. so I continued blogging 'till now, and recently, I've been putting up intrests of mine, and LOTS and LOTS of Youtube videos. I also put up Journal Entries of mine. I am going to put a journaling series called The 12 Days of Christmas on this blog starting with December 14th. When I turn 13, I'm gonna rename this blog Sonic Teen. Hope you enjoyed this post!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good history. following:D