Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Journal Entry 12/12/12: Wii Wednesday and AWANA

Today marks an important day. It's the last day of the centry where there are 3 digits of the same number in a row. Oh! Where was I? Oh yes! The post! Enjoy!

             I woke up at 6:00 by the alarm. Dad was watching a british car show called Top Gear on Netflix on Wii. When Dad left the room and left it on, I turned off Top Gear and looked for something else. Dad came out and we decided to watch America's Funniest Home Videos. (AFV) after it finished, we decided to watch Mythbusters. When Dad left the room after a while, I turned on The AristoCats. The Wii's internet stopped working, so I switched consles to the old Xbox 360. Mom woke up, and she asked me what I was watching. She was basically asking if I was watching AFV. I said yes, and Mom explained to me that when I watch it, I LTL, (Laugh Too Loud) which wakes her up. I told her that Dad didn't think of that. I asked her if I could journal, and she said yes, and I wrote up to Here. {}

Anyway, I was watching something silly that my brother (as Tuesday) did in A Year of Questions (see video below)
 My grandmother (we call her Grammy) came up from her side of the duplex, and she talked to Mom.
Sophie, my younger sister went on the computer. She looked on my blog, then she went to Nyan Cat. What stopped her was that Mom told her to get ready for zumba class. She told me to get dressed, make my bed, and read, so I did. I did some work when Mom got home. I cleaned the closet and put away clothes. After that, I went to Wii Wednesday at the library (see pictures below)

       Turns out the library was celebrating 12/12/12 too!. They gave away candies. When we got home, I ate dinner, which was pasta. After that we went to AWANA. (see pictures below)

When we got home, Andrew got a cool speaker set. We played them with music from Dad's Macbook. It was Autotune-y music at first, and then it went to regular music. I was looking on the computer, and also looking at old stuff, such as this (see video below)

After that, the computer bluescreened and Mom let me use her computer to finish this post. After that I took a shower, set my alarm, and went to sleep.

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