Monday, December 10, 2012

Journal Entry 12/10/12: Mom went Christmas Shopping

I woke up at 6:19. (I didn't have the alarm set up last night.) Dad was watching the NBC news on our Xbox. After a little, Dad let me use it. We watched Stuart Little 2 on Netflix (See trailer below)

After we watched that, Mom told me to do my Morning Routine, so I did. (see pictures below)

I coudn't finish, because Mom told me to organize the card piles of Quelf and Apples to Apples. She also told me to fold and put away the clothes. After that, Sophie wanted me to make her a Ramen Soup, so I did. Later, Mom was leaving to go Christmas shopping, so I did reading. After that, we watched a movie. The movie was Elf. SO FUNNY YOU GOTTA SEE THAT!!!!!! HERE'S A TRAILER!!!!! (see trailer below)

So after THAT, I decided to watch another movie, but Sophie chose one that I didn't want, which was Curious George 2 (Trust me, I like a few little kiddy stuff, but I just wanted to choose the movie, that's all.) (see trailer below)

Mom came home with groceries (I asked her for food). We started cooking Pasta for dinner. It was yummy! At 7:30, me and sophie both went to our rooms and I looked at the Great Big Book of Childeren's Games and found the game Assasin. It's not violent! I think that would be a good game. So Sophie came into my room and we played together. I took a shower after a little, and after that I played my Game Boy Advance, Sonic Advance 3 in bed, then went to sleep.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

I really enjoyed reading this!