Friday, December 21, 2012

The 12 Days of Christmas Chapter 8: The Youthgroup Party

I slept in. Today was the day before Charles and Jenna (my brother and sister-in-law) Later this day, Isaiah and Mom left. She went to Target for Christmas shopping. While she was gone, me, Andrew and Sophie watched these Youtube videos on the Wii. (see video below)

They were very funny. Me and Sophie decided to watch movies on Netflix on Wii. When Mom got home, she got........... EGGNOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (EGGNOG IS THE BEST!!!!!) She said that it was for tomorrow. I watched some more Youtube videos, such as this (see video below)

Mom remembered that it was Youthgroup today. I realized that it was a gift exchange party there. I brought a gift that I bought for a friend. My friend gave me a Hot Wheels car which when I got home, I gave to Sophie. When I got home, I watched some glitch videos on the computer. Tommorow is when Charles and his wife, Jenna are  coming over for an early Christmas celebration. I took a shower, and then went to sleep.

On the 8th day of Christmas,
These things happened to me
I went to the Youthgroup party

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